Making an iTunes playlist for running will help keep you motivated and .
itunes rename smart playlist
will be grouped together in a new playlist, which you can rename at your leisure. Use the Smart Playlist .
5) (Optional) Delete old playlist, rename new playlist. . found that i had sync issues where smart playlists could . my iPhone playlist, but on the top in the playlist in my iTunes .
As time passes, your iTunes playlists and smart playlists will accumulate and become . tutorial will explain how to create playlist folders in iTunes, how to rename playlist .
You should now see a new Smart Playlist in the left Source pane in iTunes, named with the Artist you selected when you created the Smart Playlist. If you want to rename your Smart .
. playlists you create appear here
Open iTunes. Choose File > New Smart Playlist. Set rule to Video Kind is Music Video and click OK. A new Smart Playlist will appear in the source list. Rename the playlist .
This tutorial will show you how to create a smart playlist for all your recently . 0:45 Watch Later Error How to rename a song on itunes by lordcrumpton69 13,543 views
[Archive] Rename/reorganize items in smart playlists? iPod Info Center . On my iPod, Smart Playlists are sorted according to the way they were sorted by iTunes, so if you sort .
Doug points out that having a lot of itunes rename smart playlist Smart Playlists can slow iTunes down, but Smarts allows . books you've downloaded from iBooks on iPad or added to your iTunes library
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